Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Kingdom News.

As it is in heaven
1st November 2022

DAY 11

Who is worthy to open the scroll and loose its seals? 

Although seemingly insignificant and potentially chalked off as another one of John’s usage of symbolism from the Old Testament, the scroll is a central item moving forward. You could even say pivotal to one of the main themes in Revelation and that is the narrative of Jesus receiving His inheritance. 

One of the main outcomes of the Reformation is that we gained a much clearer insight into the original revelation that salvation was individually attained by grace through faith and not because of ecclesiastical mission or through papal authority to rightly govern. Put more simply, we understood that we were individually responsible for our own salvation in Jesus. 

This placed the church back on track in many ways but perhaps one sacrifice we unknowingly made was a grander application of redemption being applied to the cosmos as well as the individual. 

Chapter 5 sets this in perspective for us as it puts a spotlight on the moment when Jesus receives His inheritance of the nations, (Psalm 2:8) Israel, (), creation, (Romans 8:19) and His Bride, (Ephesians 1:18) to the worship of all creation in heaven and on earth. 

The scenes we see in Revelation 5 is Jesus completing the process of …reconciling all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross, (Colossians 1:20), which He inaugurated in His first coming and is about to bring finality to in His second coming. 

The story of Ruth is a good place to start understanding the process outworking here in chapter 5. Our heavenly Boaz is laying claim to what has been paid for and legally purchased through the law of Kinsman Redeemer. But it isn’t merely Ruth, (the Church) He is redeeming through marriage, He has also redeemed the land inheritance (Jeremiah 32:10-15, Ruth 4:9) (Israel, creation, heaven and earth) as a perpetual legacy to its original owners and a demonstration of the goodness of God in the ages to come (Ephesians 2:7). 

John was weeping due to the thought that no one was worthy to take the fullness of the inheritance. It looked like evil was going to get away with it until one of the Church, (Elders) Rev 5:5)) walks up to John and explains to Him that the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world (Isa 53:7, John 1:29, 1 Peter 1:19), is worthy to open up the scroll as He is Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Gen 49:9-10, Rev 22:16), the root of David (Isaiah 11:1) and He has triumphed. 

The triumph that the lamb brings was paid for on the cross and includes the redeemed participating in the exiting victory that Jesus has over death, shame, guilt, principalities and powers (Col 2:14-15). This triggers the Church elders to bring unbridled worship and bowls filled with the prayers of the saints.  Every prayer that Jesus promised to answer, (John 14:14, John 15:7, John 16:23-24) is poured out before Him and contribute to what is about to take place from chapter 6 on as the lamb receives His inheritance. 

We conclude this scene in heaven with even more worship. A.W Tozer once said that ​​“I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.” 

The last verse in chapter 5 seems to capture this notion as this worship service is not only the church and the angels, but all creation in the heaven and on the earth joins in on this eternal giving of worship to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb (Rev 5:13), our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ. 

What these verses look like in our life today:

  • Jesus is coming to claim His inheritance and you are a part of His inheritance. Ephesians 1:18 Paul is praying for His congregation that they would understand the hope of their calling and the fullness of the glory of being Christ’s inheritance. This means that part of the inheritance that Christ is receiving in Revelation 5 is you. You are being prepared for that day when Jesus comes and receives in full everything He paid for at Calvary and as far as He is concerned, you were worth the high price heaven paid to redeem you. 
  • Jesus is our victory. In this chapter, it is the church that informs John that the Lamb that was slain is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of David and that He has triumphed. This testimony of victory from the church causes two reactions, one to worship Him with everything we have singing songs of redemption and also to bring all our prayers, petitions and unfulfilled promises to His feet and let our victory do the fighting for us. Jesus is our victory now and it is the testimony of the church that proclaims it. 
  • Jesus is our Redeemer and Christ the Judge Not only is Christ our Redeemer who bought and paid for our existing victory but He is also the One who will bring about swift and pure justice on the earth. Every Christin living in suffering from disease, pain, loss suffering or even persecution can gain boldness and comfort in knowing that the lamb suffered as payment for ours and He will oversee the day where He will get exactly what He paid for. So take courage. Christ the Redeemer lives forevermore!


Prayer for Today

Jesus, thank you that you paid it all and delivered the victory as our Redeemer. Help me live in this bought victory more and more each day and let my life be a testimony that speaks to those around me that Jesus is worthy of all honour glory and worship forever!

Keep going with your devotion


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