Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Kingdom News.

As it is in heaven
1st November 2022

DAY 13

At the end of chapter 6 we saw that all humanity, great leaders from every field and political alliance, all the way down to the everyday man were hiding from the wrath of the Lamb (Rev 6:16) which is a similar picture of when Joshua was pursuing the Amorite Kings in the Promised Land. 

In fact, Chuck Missler was the first to highlight that there are many similarities between the book of Joshua and the book of Revelation. Here are some of the patterns that you see between the two books.



7 Trumpets – 7 times on the 7th day

7 seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Bowls

Leads God’s people to dispossess the land

Leads God’s people to dispossess the land

Send in two spies/messengers (6:17)

God sends two witnesses 

Redeem the land (Abrahamic covenant)

Redeem the land (Abrahamic covenant)

Face 7 nations & 10 Kings

Antichrist leads 7 heads and ten horns

Aligns under Adoni-Zedek (Lord of righteousness & King of Jerusalem)

Aligns under Antichrist who sets himself up as God in Jerusalem

Defeated by sun standing still and hailstones from God

Signs in the heavens including sun, hailstones etc

Kings hid in caves

Kings hid in caves

Joshua 6:9 Rear Guard came after the Ark while the trumpets were blowing. 

Rear Guard = Gathering together/Assembly/to be taken away or taken to one’s Father/people or an individual to be gathered into the company of others. In other words, rapture.   

One of the main similarities that I see between the two books is that there is a land that is an inheritance to Jesus and His people, but before it can be possessed it first needs to be cleansed of all the enemies of God and His people. 

The difference between the two books, however, is that the whole time in Revelation judgment is being poured out, God is still inviting as many people as possible to come and become part of His Kingdom. This becomes clearly evident with the introduction of the 144,000.  

Up until the rapture, the Church is responsible for the proclamation of the Gospel. Which begs the question, once the Church leaves does the Good News leave as well? No, after the rapture God will still provide a witness of His everlasting goodness. The first inheritors of this task will be the 144,000. 

One of the events that will take place in the Tribulation is another great awakening of millions of souls to the saving grace of Jesus. What is interesting with this chapter is the different people groups that are represented here. 

Firstly, you have 12,000 from each of the tribes of Israel, with the exception of Dan. Why is Dan omitted? Probably because of their rich history in idolatry but we cannot be certain about this. They do inherit land in the Millenial reign (Ezekiel 48) but for whatever reason they are not sealed in the time of Jacob’s trouble, also known as the Tribulation. Everytime in the New Testament you see the term Israel, it is referring to Jewish descendants. It would seem very odd to all of a sudden interpret Israel as something else.  

Secondly, you have Saints that have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, throughout the Tribulation from every tribe, people and tongue (Rev 7:9-10, 14). These are Saints that are both Jewish and Gentiles. There are some that would suggest that these Tribulation Saints are the Church in the Tribulation, but as already pointed out, the 24 Elders represent the Church. They too are mentioned in chapter 7, separate to the Jewish 144,000 and separate to the redeemed in the Tribulation. In fact, it is one of the Elders who asks John ‘who are these who are standing in white robes?’ (Rev 7:13). So clearly the Elders and the Tribulation Saints are two different groups of people. 

This is relevant and encouraging for several reasons. 

Throughout this interlude between the sixth and seventh seals, we have a picture of the faithfulness of God. We see that He was faithful to His Church who are rescued from these judgments. We see that He is faithful to His covenant that He made with Israel and He seals 144,000 of them to be His carriers of the gospel in the Tribulation. Many more will be saved but 144,000 will enjoy supernatural protection while they minister in this time. We also see that He continues to be faithful to those that call upon the name of Jesus and the faithfulness of His blood through this time of judgments. 

So picture this. God is so merciful, gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love that even in the actual process of judgement, God is still making a way for people to come into His Kingdom and has supernaturally protected messengers to ensure that everyone can continue to receive the invitation to come and become the family of God. 

God would literally do anything short of violating your free will to spend eternity with you.

The picture of the Lamb at the end of chapter 6 is of all humanity, great and small, hiding from His wrath. The picture of the Lamb at the end of chapter 7 is of Him shepherding those who in the midst of judgement, called upon the name of Jesus and  accepted His invitation to come into His Kingdom. 

He in turn removes their thirst with rivers of living water. Removes their hunger with the bread of life. Removes all suffering and wipes away all their tears. 

The lovingkindness of God and His faithfulness can never be overestimated. He truly is that good. 

What these verses look like in our life today:


  • The Church has been entrusted with the best invitation ever given. We as His Church have been entrusted to administrate the greatest invitation ever given. This is not something that will be eternally ours to do but for this season in the Church age, that is one of our primary concerns. The book of Revelation and the message of what is to come, is not only a warning to those who don’t currently know the Lord, but it is also a sobering reminder that we as the people of God should not take our duties for granted. The time of our stewardship will draw to a close one day and we want to be found as the good and diligent servant.


  • God’s faithfulness is always on display. No matter how dire the situation is around you, God’s faithfulness is always on display. He remains faithful to Israel and  He is faithful to His bride the Church. He is faithful to continue to show mercy to anyone who calls on His name throughout the Tribulation and He is faithful to His Word overseeing the completion of all that He planned to do from the beginning. His faithfulness is literally higher than the heavens and you will never  exhaust His goodness. 
  • Jesus is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. It always astounds me that even in the midst of judgement He allows you to turn to Him. He really is willing that none should perish. If you think God is angry at you, He is not. He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He wants to be your good shepherd, He wants to remove your thirst and hunger and wipe away every tear of suffering. God is love.

Prayer for Today

Jesus, thank you that you love me and always want to be close to me like a good shepherd. Thank you for the invitation to partner with you in the declaration of your good news. Help me be a diligent servant with that call. Your faithfulness God is overwhelming and your lovingkindness truly is better than life. Praise the faithful name of Jesus.

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