Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Kingdom News.

As it is in heaven
1st November 2022

DAY 16

Chapter 9

Over the next several chapters the actual timeline of the Tribulation is not advanced as such but more details adding to the prophetic panorama are filled in. The first of these details is an angel that is coming down from heaven clothed in a cloud with a rainbow as a crown. His face was like the sun and his feet were like pillars of fire. 

There are those that would suggest that this is the Lord Jesus Christ descending to the earth to lay hold of His inheritance. There is also a strong suggestion that this is simply another strong angel depicting the judgment and grace of God in order to add to the grander narrative that is taking place. Either way, there is a lot more than meets the eye here and before we become either overwhelmed by the imagery or dazed in its complexity let’s highlight some repeating parallels in the story so far. 

Jesus the faithful one is returning to lay hold of His inheritance. In order to do so there are also judgments that need to take place in order to remove evil from the world and to make right all of the evil that is taking place on the earth. 

As the angel descends he is crowned with a rainbow (10:1) which is synonymous with God’s grace but also with worldwide judgement. His voice is that of a lion and of seven thunders representing the perfect wisdom and strength of His Word (10:2) and his feet are burning pillars of fire (10:1) as a symbol of the fierceness of His justice. 

John heard what the seven voices said but was not permitted to write them down. A delay in the pronouncement is clear but the angel swears by God later that there will be no more delay (10:6). In other words, here is yet another display of God’s longsuffering, that the final judgment over humanity must be postponed to allow for even more opportunity to accept the invitation into His Kingdom. The rainbow reminds us that Noah’s generation had at least 120 years of warning and when all was prepared, the Lord provided yet another seven days (Genesis 7:4). Furthermore, just like Daniel’s vision of the end was sealed up until God’s perfect season, the pronouncement by the seven thunders should be sealed up until that end as well (Dan 12:4). 

Having said that though, once there is no more delay, the final and complete perfect justice of God will be delivered and ‘the mystery of God would be finished as He declared to His servants the prophets’ (10:7). 

This would have to be one of my favourite verses. There is coming a time when all things will be revealed and the fullness of the mystery of God will be complete. A mystery is not something hidden. A mystery is something unknown that God intends to reveal. God does intend to reveal the fullness of all His plans, His sovereignty, His plan for the world and creation. His plan for the Church and His plan for Israel. His plan for the redemption of heaven and earth. There is coming a day when we will have the answer to our questions as to why God allowed this or didn’t allow that. There will be a day coming when we will behold Him face to face and see all that He is wanting to reveal to us. 

He is willing and wants to hold nothing back. The complete mystery of God working in us through us and for us will be known intimately by us as spirit to spirit, face to face, person to person with God, and the mystery will be finished. Everything He ever revealed to the prophets will be known in full (Rev 10:7, Eph 1:9-10).

I look forward to that day with all my heart. God has always been willing to reveal Himself to us. The only reason why we know who He is in the first place is that He has made Himself known. We didn’t figure Him out, He revealed His nature, character, identity and personhood to us. He longs to walk and talk with us like He did Adam in the beginning. We don’t know God because Adam went looking for God, we know God because God went looking for Him. His cry was “Adam where are you?” (Gen 3:9). His heart’s cry has always been to be fully known and fully accepted in the fullness of intimacy that He shares in the trinity. We experience that now in many ways but there is an even greater fulfilment of that in our future and this is a glimpse into that moment. 

Keep in mind though, that this mystery will not only be complete in us but also in the world. At this point, there will still be unbelievers who are still rejecting God and they too will see Him in His fullness and they too will also know the complete plan of His judgement at this point. 

This gives a good understanding to the next section following where John eats the book carried by the angel which, at first is sweet but immediately turns bitter. 

This little book could very well be a smaller title deed handed out to Christ’s co-heirs. If the seven seal scroll is the master deed this could be the smaller portions of that inheritance handed out to believers very similar to Joshua (Salvation) dividing up the land inheritance to the people of God after taking possession of the Promised Land. 

Likewise, it also could represent the Word itself which we have been given. It is sweet like honey on our lips (Psalm 119:103) but suffering for the testimony of Jesus has accompanied the joy of salvation as long as the church has existed. Many live in suffering for the cause of Christ as their daily reality. This will exponentially increase in the Tribulation. However, the resurrected martyrs and saints will also be glorified with Him as well. 

In addition, the Word is also the one to whom all judgment has been given (John 5:22). Being that we are co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17), we too will on some level also judge with Him (1 Cor 6:2). This will turn the joy of our salvation quite bitter when we see this mystery of God complete in the world and watch and partake in the removal of evil. What joy that will bring our heats but just like our Father, what sorrow that will bring us in that same moment. This could very well be the reason that Jesus Himself will wipe away every tear (Rev 21:4). It is also certainly the reason why John, and likewise the Church, have been asked prophesy again.

We, like John, are to get the invitation that comes through this prophecy to as many people as possible in order to warn them of these days and coming judgment. 

God is desperate to save as many as He can but before the delay is no longer (10:6).

Here’s what we can live from these verses:

  • God is willing that none should perish. Even in the pronouncement of final judgement, God causes a delay. He makes one last call for anyone who wants to enter His Kingdom and avoid the coming wrath. God literally spares no expense to ensure that as many people as possible join Him for eternity. Let’s be confident in His faithfulness today.
  • The Mystery of God Will Be Complete. Part of that mystery is that final judgement will come. Not only will we behold Him in all His majesty and grace there will be portions of humanity who will behold the completeness of His wrath and judgment. He is longsuffering but His total plan for salvation and redemption will at some point need to be completely implemented which means that there will have to be a final judgment. Let’s tell people what God has already revealed today. 
  • The Gospel is Sweet and Bitter. In this world, there will be trouble, but do not fear for I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Jesus took our sin, sickness, pain and suffering so that could reign with Him for eternity completely free from the curse. But being a co-heir doesn’t come easy. Today let’s not withhold our testimony or shy from establishing the Kingdom of God out of fear of man or fear of loss because Jesus has overcome the world. Live from love, not from fear.

Prayer for Today

Jesus, thank you that you are coming to establish your Kingdom in full and to remove all evil. I love how many opportunities you provide for all to enter into the joy of your salvation. Help me co-labour with you today to provide as many opportunities for people to know what you have already revealed about your love for them and the invitation you have extended to join you in your Kingdom. Give me boldness Lord to proclaim the sweetness even in the midst of the bitterness.

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