Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Kingdom News.

As it is in heaven
1st November 2022

DAY 18

Chapter 12

John sees and depicts on the one hand a large scale panoramic view of the Gospel and at the same time, pinpoints events playing out in the Great Tribulation. 

In a literal, also known as a grammatical, historical reading of Revelation it is important to remember that symbolism and metaphor are literary tools used to pertain to literal truth. This is none more apparent than in this chapter. 

We see in the heavens a woman clothed with the sun and moon under her feet and on her head a garland of twelve stars. This is a metaphorical representation of a literal Israel. It of course brings to mind Joseph’s dream of his family being represented by the sun, moon and twelve stars. Likewise, the family of Israel is in view here. 

It also brings into view the very first prophecy given in Scripture. Genesis 3:15. 

​​And I will put enmity

Between you and the woman,

And between your seed and her Seed;

He shall bruise your head,

And you shall bruise His heel.”

This was God Himself giving the first prophecy in the Bible and in the same manner preaching the Gospel for the first time. This is where the original plan of salvation is revealed. 

We later are told that the ‘testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev 19:10). As this is no exception. Right here in the first recorded prophecy in human history, we see that it points to the testimony of Jesus. God Himself highlights that the child born of the virgin, being the seed of the woman, would be the one who would crush the head, (power and authority) of the serpent. However, satan would bruise His heel and Messiah would suffer. 

I love the fact that the first person to preach the Gospel was God Himself. The first prophecy was spoken by God Himself and the first missionary was God Himself. It brings such comfort to me that we do not have our own mission but we are joining the existing mission that God set in motion right back there in Genesis 3:15. 

This prophecy is now viewed somewhat in hindsight through the text of Revelation 12. Israel through the seed of the woman, a young virgin Mary, did give birth to our Saviour but it was done in great labour and pain. Being the people of God was no small or easy feat for Israel. Ever since the moment Genesis 3:15 took place two groups of people have been relentlessly persecuted by the dragon. Women and Israel. This is why the places in the world where the Gospel has been preached the least you will find the most horrible treatment of women and the great hatred of Israel. 

The dragon also appears again in this chapter and he is once again causing destruction against Israel and pursuing the male child which was born through her. The dragon has seven heads and ten horns as a representation of the dragon’s government throughout the tribulation through the two beasts that we will meet in the next chapter. 

We see that he took a third of the stars with him when he fell and he has spent his time waiting for the seed of the woman so that he could devour Him as soon as he appeared. Thinking his moment came at the cross, the celebration was short-lived when he realised what he had done. Had he known he would not have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Cor 2:8). 

The male child, however,  was caught up, (the same word used for rapture) and the woman flees into the wilderness (12:5). This male child is of course Jesus and in like manner all those in Christ will also be raptured (John 14:1-3, 1 Cor 15:50-57, 1 Thess 4:13-18).

John then gets a glimpse into the heavenly battle which concludes with satan having his heavenly access revoked. The names of the dragon that are highlighted are satan, that serpent of old, referring to Genesis 3:15, and most importantly, the ‘accuser of the brethren’ (12:10).  From here on in, however, the accuser has been removed (12:9). 

Think about that for a moment. Not only has Jesus removed our sin, sickness, curse and poverty. He has also freed us from every accusation that could possibly be made against us in the future. The accuser has been removed. There is no longer even an opportunity for satan to stand before the Lord and allow him to open his mouth. Access denied, you will not speak any more slanderous words against my beloved. 

This victory came through the blood of the lamb, the testimony of the saints and the willingness to lay down their lives for Jesus (12:10-11). 

The time of satan’s attack is over in the heavens and drawing to a close on earth. He immediately goes after the woman, Israel. This will depict a great deal of the last three and half years where the antichrist sets up his dictatorship and breaks the peace treaty with Israel. She then flees into the wilderness and is supernaturally protected by God in the desert. However, the dragon does not rest and goes after her other offspring being the tribulation saints that have come to know the power of the blood of the lamb and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Many of these will be the martyrs that cry out for vengeance (Revelation 6:10). The demise of the dragon is almost complete. He is exposed, demonstrated to be powerless and although many are dying for the testimony of Jesus, he is powerless to ever accuse a child of God again. Praise God. 

Here’s what we can live from these verses:

  • Jesus Is Faithful to Everyone Who Calls on His Name. Here we see Israel, the Church and the Tribulation Saints. He is faithful to the Church and raptures them like He promised (John 14:1-3). He is faithful to Israel like He promised, supernaturally protecting them in the wilderness from the dragon. He is faithful to the Tribulation saints who have overcome by the blood of the lamb and their testimony even unto death. Today, know you can have complete trust in the name of Jesus Christ because He is faithful. 
  • Your Accuser Has Been Removed. The accuser of the brethren has been silenced. His access pass will be revoked. Not only are accusations useless against a child of God, but Jesus is also going to see to it that the accuser is totally removed from even being able to access the court and level a charge against you. Just like the woman caught in adultery, Jesus removes the accuser of our lives (John 8:10) Today live like the accuser has been removed from your life. 
  • We Are on God’s Mission. In Genesis 3:15 we see that God initiated a mission called Salvation and He was the first to prophesy the good news, preach the good news, and lay His life down for the good news of His Gospel. Today, live the mission of God and rest in His completed work. We have joined His mission and He has already won!

Prayer for Today

Jesus, thank you that you came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Not only have you destroyed his works but you have removed his ability to accuse me. I pray that I will not allow any other voice of accusation ring in my ears but only the sweet whisper of my Good Shepherd. Thank you that you are faithful to everyone who calls on your name and thank you for choosing me to join your mission. Give me boldness to preach your good news and not to love my life more than the testimony of the blood of the lamb and the victory of Christ.

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