Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Kingdom News.

As it is in heaven
1st November 2022

DAY 20

Chapter 14

Yesterday we read about the beast system and the complete rule they will exercise through a political system that controls people through economic and religious means. It will be a devasting time to be alive. Not only are God’s judgements being poured out, but there is also a satanic trinity implementing world domination and inducing universal evil worship through wicked means. 

In contrast, however, chapter 14 shows the Almighty Lamb positioned in victory overall,  reassuring us that even at the height of evil rule in the world Jesus is still victorious and still in control. 

The faithfulness of God once again is on display in the opening verse when we see the Lamb standing on Mt Zion with the 144,000. John himself is taken back by this picture because he starts with ‘Then I looked and behold…’ (14:1). This is his way of saying, ‘This is something important and awesome’. And it is. It is a picture of victory in the midst of all that satan could unleash. One moment we are looking at satan, antichrist and the false prophet and the severity of the destruction they bring upon the world and humanity, and the next scene is the Lamb standing there victorious with the 144,000 that he supernaturally protected for the entire seven years on His Mt Zion. 

This picture demonstrates He is faithful to Israel, redeeming the 144,000 from His brethren. Faithful to national Israel standing victorious on the Promised Land. Faithful to the tribulations saints that the 144,000 witnessed to, including His Jewish family. And faithful to the 144,000 by protecting them throughout the whole Tribulation. Jesus is ever faithful. 

After this, we see a series of six angels each with special roles. The first is the most striking. The first angel is one that flies throughout the world like a plane in the atmosphere, proclaiming the everlasting Gospel (14:6). This proclamation goes so far and wide it is the literal fulfilment of Matthew 24:14 where Jesus Himself proclaims that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. 

Jesus is so faithful and willing that none should perish that He literally sends an angel to fly around the sky preaching the good news to every people group, tribe, nation and individual before He brings the end. 

Let’s recap. The church is gone but not the gospel. The baton is passed on to 144,000 Jewish evangelists who perform their duties with supernatural Psalm 91 protection preaching the gospel. In addition, none less than Moses and Elijah join the mission being broadcast on CNN and YouTube every night, for three and half years, to every smartphone and TV in the world performing miracles and preaching the gospel. Now, as if that weren’t enough, God organises His own media platform that bypasses social media fact-checkers and tech giant censors in the form of an angel flying around the heavens preaching the gospel (14:6).  Jesus organises a personally delivered invitation airmailed straight from heaven directly to every individual’s ears. Jesus is really, really keen that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9).

Why go to such lengths. Well apart from the over-abundant love of God, it is also because the antichrist and the beast system is only permitting worship of the beast. Anyone not worshipping the beast and submitting to government dictates is put to death (13:15). This is why the first angel that delivers the gospel is immediately followed by another angel informing everyone that Babylon has fallen (14:8, 18:1). 

To follow Jesus at this point means death and there would also be many people who have been deceived that the beast cannot be beaten (13:4). To have an angel informing the defeated nature of Babylon and that the system that intoxicated the nations is about to crumble, would have to be an important ingredient to lead people unto salvation at this stage.  

Furthermore, a third angel highlights that not only has the worldwide religious and political system failed, but the individual decision to worship him and take his mark will also result in eternal punishment. 

An important side point here  is that you cannot take the mark of the beast by accident. It will be very intentional, clearly understood and eternal in consequence. It is simply something a raptured church will never have to think about.  

After these first three angels, there is a pause and an encouraging word from Holy Spirit, that anyone who listens to the above people and angels commissioned with the gospel and turns to Jesus in this time, will find rest in Him. Even though death will be the result, instant victory will be delivered to those found in Him. 

John then sees the Son of Man with a sharp sickle. Jesus is preparing to harvest the earth (14:14). The invitations have all been sent out and the time to RSVP has drawn to a close. The fourth angel beckons Him to begin for the time has come (14:15). The fifth angel appears with a sickle himself invited by the sixth angel to harvest the vineyard of the earth and throw it into the winepress of God’s wrath (14:19, Mat 24:40-41). 

His time of mercy has concluded, it is now time for the fierce judgment of the two-edged sword to speak. 

Here’s what we can live from these verses:

  • The Lamb is Victorious. Chapter 14 is intentionally a stark contrast to the horrid nature of the beast system. We can always trust in our God that He is going to do what He said He is going to do. We do not need to fear or become worrisome that there is an evil in the world that can undo the promise of our God. The lamb is victorious and eternally faithful. Today, let’s live in the boldness of faith that Jesus is faithful to deliver all of His great and precious promises. 
  • Worship is the Name of the Game. Chapters 13 and 14 show us the difference between what we worship. In chapter 13 we see humanity worshipping the beast (13:4,15). And part of the message of the first angel is to fear God and worship Him who made heaven and earth… (14:6-7) The end results of what we worship is pivotal to the future we will enjoy or endure. 

If we choose to worship anything else apart from the Lord God Almighty, then we set our lives up for destruction (14:9-10). This principle applies on an individual level, a family level as well as a national level. Individuals and families that worship God together set their lives up to prosper through His faithfulness and might. Likewise for nations who honour God. 

But withheld or misdirected worship owed to the Almighty Creator God (14:7) becomes a stagnant, putrid waste that decays the soul of a nation and stifles the liberty of the creation (13:15). Today, let the freedom of your unhindered worship bring you the fullness of life in the Spirit through every aspect of your world.

  • God Has Literally Spared No Expense to Offer Salvation To EVERYONE!. God would literally send an angel with a megaphone to deliver the invitation into His Kingdom if He had to. He loves you that much. Even if hell itself is standing against the opportunity for the gospel to be heard, heaven will always make a way. Today, let’s live as if the gospel is God’s main priority in the world.

Prayer for Today

Jesus I worship you with my life and with all that I have. Thank you for the faithfulness that you constantly display to me. Let me today be a witness to your gospel in the fullness of your Spirit and let me walk in the love of the Father as I live this message of hope and tell all of your Good News.

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