Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am

Kingdom News.

As it is in heaven
1st November 2022

DAY 30

Chapter 22

The last chapter of the Bible. This is one great finish to 66 books of God’s story. In fact, if you read the first two chapters of the Bible and the last two chapters of the Bible you will see that they are complete mirror images of each other. In the first two chapters you have no sickness, no disease, no sorrow, no loss, no poverty, no death, just a completely perfect relationship between God and humanity dwelling in a perfect paradise. In the last two chapters that is what you see once again. No sickness, no disease, no sorrow, no loss, no poverty, no death, just a completely perfect relationship between God and humanity dwelling in a perfect paradise.

There were a few twists and turns along the way but God wins, Jesus reigns and the saints are living with God once again. In chapter 21 we see a great deal of the outside of the Heavenly Jerusalem but in 22 we get to see the more organic insides of the heavenly city. We see a river flowing with the water of life. We see the Tree of Life. Something we didn’t see since the third chapter of Genesis. The Tree of Life was promised to those who overcame (Rev 2:7), and its leaves are used to bring healing to the nations. Why would healing be necessary though? There is no sickness in eternity. A better translation for this in modern language would be that the leaves are life-giving to the people that live in eternity with God.

I often say that the Bible can be summed up as the story of three trees. The first tree in the Garden brought death and the cross of Calvary brought life through Jesus Christ. Which leads to the family of God eating of the Tree of Life for all eternity. The story of the three trees comes to its conclusion in the last chapter of the Bible and is our promised inheritance to those who overcome in Jesus. We will eat forevermore from the fullness of life. Likewise we will never thirst again, drinking from the source of life Himself, Jesus.

In verse three a short but universe-altering statement is made. There shall be no more curse. If you are not careful you could skip over it and miss the magnitude of that statement. There has been a rift in space, time, creation and human existence since the fall called the curse. It impacted everything and verse three tells us that forevermore this will no longer be the case. There shall be no more curse (22:3).

In many ways we actually know more about what’s not in heaven than what is. We know that there is no more chaos or turmoil, tears, death, mourning, crying, pain, thirst or wickedness. No more temple, no more night, murder, stealing or poverty. No more child slavery, suffering, hunger or war. No more disappointment or cancer, financial stress or credit cards. No more sin, decay, doctors or hate. No more satan, evil, wickedness or slander.  Just the perfection of Christ the Lamb, Holy Spirit and Father God for all eternity.

What is even more amazing to think of is not that we will be in the presence of God forever but verse four says that we will see His face. This is a way of conveying the fact that we will know God without barriers or hindrance. It is a representation of true intimacy. For there to be true intimacy there has to be a relationship where everything is fully known and fully accepted. We will know God in a way that will lead to complete intimacy. We will see the face, character, nature and beauty of God in all of its fullness and dwell with Him in a completely intimate, divine dance of grace and joy for every single moment of our existence. We will reign with Him in faithful service forever and ever and be forever named and known as His people (22:4-5).

Jesus Himself starts to speak again in a way to testify and also to seal the message contained in this book. In verse seven He states,

 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

There are three important details in that statement. Firstly, the term ‘I am coming quickly’, is not meant to denote a nearness of time and event but rather once these things take place, they will all happen suddenly and swiftly. It is always important to live our lives prepared for Christ at any moment yet prepare and build as if He is 1000 years away.

Secondly, there is a blessing to those who keep the instructions in this book. This reiterates and builds upon the first blessing outline in chapter 1:3 that those who read and hear this book will be blessed. Therefore, what Jesus is saying in both instances is blessed are those who study and live by what is contained in the pages of Revelation. I do believe that there is a blessing contained in this devotional series for you because you have taken the time to study and think on what Jesus has revealed about the future.

Thirdly, JesusHimself calls it a prophecy. The only way the events which are described within the book can be reconciled as historical is with a very early and very unlikely early dating. On the balance of historical and textual analysis, it is very safe ground to read this book with a futurist application.

In addition, the angel instructs John, do not seal up this book. Daniel was instructed to seal up his prophecy until the end (Daniel 12:4) but not John. We can safely assume then that what Jesus revealed in this prophecy is for our benefit and for every generation. It truly is nonsensical for any believer to avoid reading this book when there is a built-in promise of blessing and instructions for it not to be sealed up. Clearly, Holy Spirit thinks the verses of Revelation bring revelation to everyone and not just a select few.

Jesus for the second time in verse twelve says that He is coming quickly to reiterate the point.Furthermore he identifies Himself as the First and the Last. This is also a reference to the Aleph Tav of the Hebrew alphabet which is found in Genesis 1:1. When it says ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,’ there is an Aleph Tav in the precise middle of that verse. The idea is at the centre of all creation both heaven and earth is God and here in the last chapter of the Bible, Jesus is identifying Himself as the Aleph Tav, the Beginning and the End. He also adds further identity markers when He says in verse sixteen that He is the root of David and the Bright and Morning Star.

What was hidden in Jesus first coming as the Root of David, is now returning as the Bright and Morning Star of Numbers 24:17.

“I see Him, but not now;

I behold Him, but not near;

A Star shall come out of Jacob;

This really is the message of the whole book. It reveals who Jesus is and unveils all of His majesty, plans, purposes and Kingdom. Even in the summation of everything that has been written,it is very fitting that there is the beckoning of divine romance given one last time. ‘The Spirit and the Bride say come’. The Spirit of God and the Church are beckoning Jesus to come and to marry us while the Bright and Morning Star is beckoning once more for anyone who thirsts to come to Him. He will give freely His rivers of living water to anyone who desires.

For the third time in this chapter, Jesus reminds us once more, ‘Surely, I am coming quickly’ (22:20). An apt reminder for any believer in any age to always be ready and to live with a heart full of excited anticipation of our soon and coming King.

Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Here’s what we can live from these verses:

  • Always Live Ready

The reason Jesus has told you about the future is not to scare you but to prepare you. We are to always live ready. If we read and understand Revelation then we will live holy lives, ready for the appearing of our Lord at any moment.

  • Get on mission

Jesus has not only prepared us but He wants us to be His message of hope to the world that no one has to live through these dark days of wrath and judgement. He has prepared the world with multiple warnings and invitations to turn to Him and enjoy His lovingkindness. The main vehicle of that message is the Church. You and I. Let’s get on mission because we understand what has been written in these pages.

  • Our Future Hope is our Everyday Hope

We don’t only have a future hope for the end of time and judgment day, but we also have a future hope today. God Almighty is displayed right through this prophecy so those who are found in Christ can be assured that He is in control at all times. No matter what your world looks like or what the world looks like, we serve a living, returning King who holds all things in the might of His powerful hand and He will never let you go. Let’s live that hope today in bold expectation and anticipation of our returning King.

Prayer for Today

Jesus, I today recommit my whole life to live for you and submit my every thought and desire to you. Your Kingdom is my complete desire, to be with you and live for you. Help me Holy Spirit to prepare myself in holiness and the world through your Good News to be ready for the return of the Kingdom. Above all we pray Lord, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. On earth, as it is in heaven. Come, Lord Jesus, Come. Let Your Heaven be established in me and through me today.

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