Pray Till Pentecost – Marriage Devotion (3/5)
Put yourself and your spouse’s name in the gaps.
__________ and _________ marriage is full of love and joy because we make the most of our time together and always edify and serve each other with our words, thoughts and actions
Seems a little too good to be true doesn’t it? As you were reading you might have thought, ‘we haven’t recently been making the most of our time together’, ‘we definitely don’t always edify each other with what we say – I can think of numerous times he/she/I said…..’ or maybe you thought ‘sometimes my thoughts aren’t always honourable towards my spouse’ or ‘the motives behind my actions can be selfish’. You are not alone.
This is an affirmation we created for our marriage. It is definitely one created with the goal to bring Heaven to earth in our family life. Pastor Joshua often preaches that even if our lives may not always reflect what the bible describes as Heaven, we should not lower our expectations and standards to the world’s. As Christians, as Kingdom Hopers, as husbands and as wives, we are called to Heaven’s standard.
Regardless of how you feel your marriage is going, Proverbs 18:21 declares that there is death and life in the power of the tongue. It is important to begin speaking life over your marriage and describing what you want it to look like. One simple thing you could start doing is to declare a statement like this over your marriage:
“Our marriage is full of love and joy because we make the most of our time together and always edify and serve each other with our words, thoughts and actions.”
Still struggling? If you can’t envision that type of marriage and that entire concept seems unrealistic to you, then you are just like us. When we look at that affirmation it can sometimes seem beyond our grasp and require a lot of change to achieve. It is moments like these when we are encouraged by the scripture in Hebrews 11:1
‘Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.’
What this scripture is affirming is that if you hope for something greater than what you have, if you desire heaven to come to earth in your marriage but you can’t yet see how it will come to pass, then that is perfectly normal. This is not what we should accept though. God wants us to hope for things that we cannot see! Even though we can’t always see a marriage full of love and joy, especially when one of us responds in anger or fails to hang the bath mat up, again… He wants us to expect Heaven to come and to declare it with the power of the tongue.
Verses to Meditate On
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
Proverbs 18:21
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see“
Hebrews 11:1
What words do you feel He is calling you to affirm over your marriage?