Service Times | Sundays 8:30am + 10:30am
Youth: Fridays 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Our annual miracle faith offering of outlandish generosity where we sow a seed of faith in expectancy of a supernatural harvest

This year as a community of faith, we have set our hearts to take steps of testimony before the Lord. What this looks like will be different for each individual and each family, but together our stories of faith will in time become memorial stones left for future generations. 

When the people of Israel crossed the Jordan, three significant things happened. Firstly, the Ark of the Covenant went first (Joshua 3:11). This should likewise be our priority in 2024, no matter what journey of faith you are embarking on, to value the presence of God to the point that it is always of priority in our life. Secondly, the priests’ feet touched the water before the water stopped. It was their step of testimony, their action of faith not their need that God responded to when he caused the Jordan river to cease flowing (Joshua 3:15-16). And lastly, when God had proved faithful yet again, they laid memorial stones for future generations to see and hear the stories of God’s miraculous in their fathers and mothers’ steps of testimony (Joshua 4:21-22) to and have their faith shaped by the miracles of what God has already done. 

The breakthrough miracles we see this year will become markers of God’s faithfulness and beacons of hope for the youth of our city and the children in our community. The families of our neighbourhood will hear the stories of what God has done and the steps of testimony taken will speak of a faithful and mighty God. 

We believe that as we sow seeds to the horizon that the gospel will reverberate across the globe. That the nations and peoples of the world will turn to Jesus. We believe there will be a harvest of faith that our children and future generations will bear witness to when they see and hear the memorial stones laid in this legacy season. Memorial stones of healing to the broken, salvation to the lost. justice to those in poverty and a place of refuge to those in suffering. 

We set a bold expectation across what God intends to do and say yes to the invitation to walk with Him as we take our steps of testimony.

Kingdom Legacy Day – Sunday 2nd June 2024


Kids & Pastoral Care


Aircon in Auditorium
Concrete stairs to the Generations Building



Direct Transfer


Heart & House

BSB: 704024
ACC #: 10000983



(Tax Deductible)

BSB: 034605
ACC #: 176194

Cash & Card


You can give via Cash & Card during the service at the Giving Station

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We welcome all who want to find hope in this world, encounter God and be more like Jesus to join our church as we walk with each other on our spiritual journey