Service Times | Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am


Our Partnership

We believe that Kingdom Hope is a local body of believers that God has uniquely fitted together with beautifully designed intent.

We believe that Kingdom Hope (KH) is a local body of believers that God has uniquely fitted together with beautifully designed intent. Kingdom Hope provides more than Sunday church services. KH is a faith community, a kingdom people belonging to one another and being brought together in Christ.

KH may be the church where you regularly attend and receive spiritual nourishment, however, there is also a greater level of belonging that you are welcome to engage with and that is the Kingdom Hope Partnership.

We love to serve people and our city and you are welcome to come and receive as long as you need or want to with no obligation. It is our pleasure to serve.

But there is a blessing and benefit to your spiritual walk when you are an active part of any local church, contributing in whatever way you can.

Romans 5:12 invites us to be ‘members of one another’ in Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:20 reiterates, “indeed there are many members, yet one body.”

Both passages encourage the idea that our unique gifts are for the service of God and for a specific purpose in the body of Christ.

KH Partnership is our pathway to provide you the opportunity to engage with that invitation. It is a way of saying, “This is my church and I want to contribute to the vision and mission of this local body.”

In return, Kingdom Hope commits to you as a Partner and dedicates whatever resources we have to ensure you and your family are growing and flourishing in your relationship with God and your service in His Kingdom.

Partnership Booklet

Application Form

Our Values


We honour God and honour people. We place the same value on people, relationships and everything else in our world that God does and we choose to see our world with heaven’s eyes.


What you see is what you get. There is no difference between our public life and our private lives because we believe in living authentically in a way that brings honour to God.


Excellence is one of our most important forms of worship. Excellence to us is an attitude and not an outcome. We do our very best simply because He is worthy of our best.


We are so excited & passionate about the life God gave us. To serve with Him and join Him in His mission to spread the Word is the greatest honour of our lives. We serve because He first served us, we give because He first gave & we love because He first loved us. 

Not sure about what's next?

You can find out what’s coming up in the life of our church here. Kingdom Hope has multiple ways to access online content for however and wherever you want to access it . Sermon podcasts and various other content are available on multiple platforms which you can find here.

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with our community

God calls us to be an active part of our wider community to spread the good news.
We welcome all who want to find hope in this world, encounter God and be more like Jesus to join our church as we walk with each other on our spiritual journey